Monroe County
County Commission
There are three members on the County Commission. One must reside in each of the three magisterial districts (Eastern, Central, and Western); however, they are elected by all voters county-wide. Commissioners hold their office for the term of six years; and one Commissioner is elected every two years. They choose one of their members each year to serve as president, who presides over the meetings.
Duties & Responsibilities
1. Prepares and adopts budget for all county offices in the courthouse.
2. Jurisdiction in all matters of probate, such as wills.
3. Sits as Board of Canvassers:
a. Canvasses county election returns
b. Publicly declares results of election
4. In contested elections, judges the election and returns of their own members and all county offices
5. Approves the appointment of three election commissioners and two poll clerks in each precinct in county to conduct primary and general election
6. Lays and disburses county levies based on assessed property values
7. Sits as Review and Equalization Board in February to hear appeals on property values for assessment purposes
8. Appoints members of certain county boards, authorities, and public service districts
9. Adopts ordinances and orders for protection and safety of people in the county
10. Approves purchase orders and payment vouchers for all elected county offices.
11. The County Commissioners must be bonded with an amount not less than $20,000 nor more than $200,000.