Gum, Jr. was elected to the Monroe county commission in 2010. He was
given oath on December 29, 2010 in The Monroe County Courthouse by
county clerk, Donald Evans. Clyde attended his first official county
commission meeting on January 5, 2011. Clyde graduated from Union High
School in 1975. He lives on the family farm in the Sweet Springs
Valley, where he continues to raise beef cattle and maintain the
welfare of the land. Clyde is an avid fan of the James Monroe
Mavericks and Concord Mountain Lions where his son attends and is a
member of the football team. Clyde also enjoys riding his Harley
Davidson throughout the county and surrounding areas. He is married to
Cheryl Hull Gum and they are the parents of two children, Amanda
Gum and Adam Gum. Clyde has successfully owned and operated
Mountaineer Siding and Window Company for the past 25 years. He is a
member of Cokesbury United Methodist Church. He is also a member of
the N.R.A. and County Commissioner's Association of West Virginia. He
looks forward to serving the citizens of Monroe County. Clyde welcomes
any input and suggestions that would better Monroe County. He may be
contacted by phone or email at (304) 772-5782,
cgumaa@msn.com or at